EVE Online Exploration Guide: Billions and Billions (of ISK)
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With this setup you will be able to cut down the amount of time and effort it takes to find whatever it is you need, be it a gas site or that all important direct to high sec opening that is allowing a hostile fleet to come knocking. For a Class 5 it is Battleship or better.
Their maximum scan strength bonus is only +37. Don't have any more drones than you really really need! Let me try a very direct question. And please do not tell me you cannot do everything with it or that it cannot fight a Ferox or that it cannot crash gate camps or that it cannot single-handedly wipe out 0.
Eve Academy's Basic Guide to Fighting - They can also get stuck inside your shields and be deactivated because of it.
It is very easy to do. Here will be described basic terms and secrets of successful exploration. Experienced gamers may skip some text here and go straight to the main content. Pure exploration is connected to complexes such as Relic Sites и Data Sites. Relic Sites — are signatures with savage our main goal. Data Sites - are signatures with descriptors and other stuff connected to invent. Ninja scanner is interested only in these two types mainly Relic sites. There will be also Combat sites, Wormholes and Gas complexes. Combat sites its bookmarks you can sell to other gamers. It means that we can pass it on any spaceship even without guns and armor. Exploration is scanning for these signatures, opening containers taking loot and eve combat sites transportation. Opening Data Site is not different from opening Relic Site except one thing. We can get much more expensive stuff from Relic Sites. How to pass Relic and Data Sites in zeroes low security areas. First of all we have to decide which region we need. When suitable system will appear signatures, absence of neutrals start scanning. Do not filter Combat Sites and Warmholes, it will make your scanning process inconvenient. You have to open star system map for this signatures will be marked with big red spheres which show areas of approximate situation. Usually spheres are attached to planets and spheres which are far from planets are usually Wormholes. Launch Core Sisters Scanner Probes chose situation for them Pinpoint Formation, transfer them on red sphere in a way to cover it all. Start Scan, and get approximate point of a signature situation. Now we have to decrease size of probes pack area take any probe with eve combat sites to decrease this areashift center of probes pack to a found area and start to scan again. More neat result will appear. Repeat this deed until signature will be yellow and will appear its type and name. If it will be Relic or Data Site or wreck we decrease scanning area until it will become green. When it is green, warp to this. When you are in signature you will see containers if you do not see containers then find and with right mouse button click add container overview. The most valuable are Ruins, but do not forget to open and others!!. It is important because if you will not open all containers it will delay respawn of the whole signature. It will give you all information what is inside and your next manipulations depend on it. There are two attempts to open every container, and after all given attempts container explodes. Even if container is empty take analyzer and twice use and cancel it to make container explode. After activation of Analyzer-A Relic or Data, it depends on signature will appear a brain breaker. It is not very difficult when you have enough of skills and knowledge. We just have to remember some things: Solving is based on opening spots until we will find System Core. There will be obstacles and helping power ups. Starting a brain breaker gamer has basic attack and defense skills it depends on a type of ship, skills, type of an analyzer, rigs and implants; attack max is 40, defense max is 135. It is very important to have T2 analyzers and rigs. Obstacles are blue things: virus, antivirus, heal, firewall. Every obstacle has its attack and defense. eve combat sites Obstacle is blocking an opportunity of opening spots in radius of one step from it. Virus looks like a square in wavy frame, it decreases attack and defense stats of a pilot and because of it we have to destroy it instantly. Heal is looking like a six rayed thorn, it heals other obstacles and also should be destroyed instantly. Firewall looks like trapezium, if there is opportunity to go around it, then go around, do not kill. It is the weakest obstacle. It is better go around it if you have such an opportunity, if not then kill with help of power up. If it will turn into obstacle it will block opportunity to eve combat sites spots around it. But if all spot around it are opened already, then even if there will appear obstacle it will not be obvious eve combat sites to destroy it. It will be good if you will find orange spots and open all spare spots around it and then only open orange spot itself and ignore obstacle in it virus or firewallkill antivirus or heal, or take power up if it appeared there. Core is always situated maximally far from start point. Its color does not have any meaning. The shortest way is usually diagonally opposite from starting point of a brain breaker. Every piece contains something, sometimes useless things. To catch green one just click on it. It will change color to white and will fly to your ship automatically there is no need in Tractor Beam. There will appear icon of caught loot next to sign of Cargo Hold in some minutes, other light-bugs will turn into green, and you may click on next one. It is better to start with those ones which are far because when they are 3 km from you they turn into white and you will have to double click on it and come closer to catch. Ships are good for this purpose: t3 Strategic Cruisers with scan bonuses, covert clock and nullifier. These are Tengu, Loki, Proteus, Legion. These ships are convenient because they have scan bonuses and +10 of analyzer and safe in front of camps. The most convenient is Tengu with lots of slots for upgrades where you can put f. They are cheaper and warp fast, but they are weaker. Frigates with scan bonuses: Heron, Magnate, Imicus, Probe. Cheap analogue of Covert Ops and not bad for beginners but not so good for this purpose. It will be good also to have Micro WarpDrive and Afterburner for your safety,… to run from scrambler.
EVE Online Astero Combat Sites & PVP
It means that we can pass it on any spaceship even without guns and armor. Clearing anomalies and signatures should be treated in the same way as missioning. If an escalation occurs a message window will appear with escalation message and the expedition is added to your journal on expeditions page. This is the combat sites, which are entered through the use of filaments. Assuming both enemies are fairly evenly matched, this may be a big fight: ten drones, say, and two ships nos'ing, webbing and scrambling one another, ripping into each others' ships with lasers or missiles or autocannons or whatever.